I  am still reading the same book, Sure Signs of Crazy. It’s bye Karen Harrington and the main character is Sarah Nelson. Nothing much has happened in the book, but during winter break I will read a lot. The Monday we come back I will tell you about  what has happened.

I Give Permission

I  give permission…

For people to be free

To  share their thoughts

And  keep on writing,

So think deeply

When you write you can

express yourself

through the whole world

also friends and family

So keep on writing

no matter what happens

throughout and all people

You have an imagination

so use it crazy

because that’s what it’s for

so think of life starting  by opening a door

You are awesome

so definitely express it

you are unique

In your own way


I am reading “Sure Signs of Crazy” this book is by Karen Harrington. The main character in this book is Sarah Nelson and her Mom tried to drown her and her Dad is an alcoholic. So far I like all the suspense, but it’s so sad how her mother tried to kill her. If I would to rate this book so far it would be 10 out of 10. My English teacher, Ms. Haseltine recommended this for me.