
So today I’m gonna be giving feedback on what Mr. Phillips says every morning.What he says every morning is inspiring,I think it gives a message to students that we are all equal.He want’s us to feel like we can do anything and we can.You shouldn’t treat someone different because of their race,skin color,or religion.You are unique in your own way and that’s what makes you special.


5 thoughts on “Feelings

  1. That is one great message. Cheers to Mr. Phillips (I don’t know him but he sounds like my kind of person). I appreciate your ideas on that message, and agree completely. Treat everyone with fairness and respect and kindness, and the world will become a better place for all of us.
    Mr. Kevin Hodgson
    Sixth Grade Teacher
    Western Massachusetts

  2. That is truly the message intended! Simply, absolutely – treat each other with love and kindness. And my thing – even if you don’t get it back – be the bigger, better version of you. Every time I answer with my heart, the answer is always the right one. Keep writing! – Mr. Phillips

  3. Wow. This was so touching. I couldn’t agree more with you. Over Mercer the Vice principal always gives us a warm welcome too. Nice Job. Wait scratch that. AMAZING JOB!

  4. I completely agree! We should always treat each other with respect. We also need to be ourselves no matter what other people say, or think!

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